by walid3 | May 19, 2020 | Current Collaborations
Sanders Lab – Dept Chemistry – U SaskatchewanWe are studying the role of an enzyme, UDP-Galactopyranose mutase, in a simple eukaryotic model system. Mutase catalyzes the interconversion of 5- and 6-membered forms of galactose prior to its incorporation into the cell...
by walid3 | May 19, 2020 | Current Collaborations
Gough Lab – Dept Chemistry – U ManitobaMolecules can be identified by their energy absorption characteristics. Infrared wavelengths can be used for in situ chemical analysis based on their interactions with specific chemical bonds. We are using synchrotron FTIR...
by walid3 | May 19, 2020 | Current Collaborations
Dahms Lab – Dept Chemistry and Biochemistry – U ReginaMaturation of the hyphal wall of Aspergillus nidulans using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryoSEM eg.). These complementary methods image cell surfaces in frozen hydrated...